Breaking Strong Holds-Leaving Social Media

I’m interrupting this Bible Study flow to dive into areas of the Bible that deals more directly with the situations at hand.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.Psalms 46:1

FacebookThe Wrong Choice for this Christian

Facebook was a great idea at first… and it was fun to connect with people. What facebook has become now is something else. Here is an article from a person who used to work there explaining how facebook has been shaping the opinions of people who use their format regularly.
I noticed that I feel angry most of the time when I go onto facebook. I hate … and I do mean HATE deception…..and when it’s used to manipulate people, I really hate it. Even if it’s some minor thing, like a bait and click article with a misleading title or photo. Articles like “Candace Owens takes over The View- Fires Whoopi” Then in the article it’ll say something like, “If Candace Owens took over The View, I can imagine that would be the headline the very next day.” The deception is they never mentioned this was a hypothetical scenario in the title…. they wanted my click so they can generate money through advertisement. Facebook will allow this level of deception, but if you posted something that they have deemed “fake news” or “False Information” you will be censored…. your article will be labeled as “false Information” . This tells us they can track information and only care about the information they want to suppress. And why do they suppress information? Because the owner is pushing his own beliefs, he wants to do everyone’s critical thinking for them. As crazy as it sounds, it’s working. The use of shame and cancel culture etc is proof of that.

This rabbit hole is deep— so I think it needs an entire blog…. I’ll say this, I believe part of the reason the love of many will grow cold in the end is because of the skewed information that people base their opinions on. This is what’s fueling the racial divide right now…. even though everyone is talking about inclusiveness, we are more divided than ever. When you tailor information to confirm the worst in certain groups of people, you create and feed anger…. it doesn’t matter if you cover this angry undertow with memes declaring unity…. like the river that looks calm on the surface, the undertow will pull you down. The confusing message and additive nature of social media keeps people there like the frog in the pot of slowing heating water.

Even as a Christian who desires to spread the salvation message to others, that is no reason to stay.
2 Corinthians 6:14-17
14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.

Facebook and pretty much all social media has become the hub of ungodliness. TikTok, Facebook and other platforms propagandize the population using the algorithms to tailor content for each of us in an attempt to shape our opinions…. that’s a fact, they were caught doing it…. the trial was broadcast and yet instead of feeling betrayed and leaving in mass, we ignored it because we want to be there…. essentially we are in agreement to becoming unequally yoked with this agenda that is set out to destroy our free will with thought control. I myself thought to stay to share the gospel, but it’s vexing to even go there anymore and their algorithms are such that the very people who need to see the gospel message, won’t.

Matthew 24:4
And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

For me, taking heed means leaving a forum that has been proven to use means at their disposal to shape my thoughts and alter my emotional reactions. Social media has become a temple to a false god…. there is no place for a child of the ALMIGHTY GOD there.

The problem with facebook Christianity is a serious one. Prior to the internet and social media, there would never have been a situation where one Christian would walk up to another and say, “Say JESUS IS LORD right now, if you don’t, you’re of the devil”. And yet on social media this happens all the time with memes, most are not so extreme, but it’s still manipulation. It has taken the pure expressions between a child of God and God and made it into a tool of shame and guilt…. so instead of offering praise and worship from our hearts from a pure spirit, we are coerced into praising God to avoid shame. I’ve confronted this before a few times, and they came for me over it.
Another problem is the form of Godliness that is SOCIAL MEDIA CHRISTIANITY. A social media Christian post memes about Jesus, scriptures and Christian stories….mingled in with a few photos of them having margaritas at a club. They post praying hands under any tragic event…. like and share all the heartwarming stuff. Years ago a term was coined called “Slackavism”. Slacktavism is when you “like and share” a post to spread awareness for a situation… like cancer awareness…. so you “like and share” and it soothes your need to be part of the solution so you no longer feel like you need to chip in that 5 dollars. When the “like and share” awareness campaigns came on the scene, donations to these organization went down significantly. So everyone knew about the problems like cancer, but now fewer people were actually making donations to change the situation because they contributed to the awareness with a like and share.

With the Facebook Christian they “earn salvation” by sharing God and Jesus based meme’s…. and it fulfills their “religious” commitment so they don’t need to read the bible or pray…. at least not seriously anyway.

There are better ways for me as a Christian to share the gospel with people…. ways that won’t contribute to the demise of others.

To be continued

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